Friday, November 28, 2008

BUSINESS: Change how games are developed and released

Maybe its because it I have a strong business background or my years of music production that allows me think about different approaches to console game development. However the good thing is its not just me. I have written 2 or 3 reports discussing potential changes so I wanted to share the thoughts of ATARI's Phil Harrison and Rares Mark BatteridgeMark Batteridge.

In essence its about engaging the audience as early as possible using rapid prototyping and trying to get industry to release little and often and I actually have interesting biz models that could be applied to this, and there could be some lessons learned from the Casual Gaming developers.

Phil also makes the important point about not moving past stages before you complete them which would make sense but has been ignored for years according to him. You would not start the second level of a house without having all the walls up?? No

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