Friday, November 28, 2008

BUSINESS: Change how games are developed and released

Maybe its because it I have a strong business background or my years of music production that allows me think about different approaches to console game development. However the good thing is its not just me. I have written 2 or 3 reports discussing potential changes so I wanted to share the thoughts of ATARI's Phil Harrison and Rares Mark BatteridgeMark Batteridge.

In essence its about engaging the audience as early as possible using rapid prototyping and trying to get industry to release little and often and I actually have interesting biz models that could be applied to this, and there could be some lessons learned from the Casual Gaming developers.

Phil also makes the important point about not moving past stages before you complete them which would make sense but has been ignored for years according to him. You would not start the second level of a house without having all the walls up?? No

Connected Story Montreal Games Summit

Connected story Only 4% games make a profit

NEW GAMES : Foldit extreamly addicitve

I'm a big fan of fold it, one its fun and casual, two the idea is ingenious and could change the world also its probably a land mark for the future of gaming.

WHY.....because without knowing anything about science or biology you can actually help solve complicated protein folding puzzles.

Seriously its easy and imagine millions of us playing this game and accidentally discovering a new folding solution that helps the human race.

Well that's exactly whats going to happen.....collective brain power working together...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

TECHNOLOGY : Search Engine for Casual Games

Well for Flash games and you better spell it correct, no Google to fix your spelling erorrs.

Game Curry is a great idea because its focused, however like any search tool its success will be based on the search results it turns up. I tried several variations on the word Jewells Jewles and all came back with nothing, try the same in Google and add game to it and hay presto results....So guys get a spell checker in that code of yours.
try it out

TECHNOLOGY : Take part in an AI experiment

This is a First in Gaming Humans Team with AI Software Play Give and help improve AI.
Players will team up with one of four AI software systems. Players have from now until January to play the game and provide feedback on how well the systems give instructions for solving the treasure hunt puzzle.

The feedback from gamers will be analyzed by the game developers to compare how well each of the four AI systems did in the GIVE challenge, with the goal of making computers better partners in a variety of both virtual and real world tasks.

VIRTUAL WORLDS : Whyviille from Subs to Microtransactions

Whywille the free-to-play virtual world is primarily sponsorship- and advertising-supported, but it also offered a subscription for premium options. Now the subscription has been substituted for a virtual currency called Pearls. Parents can set a virtual allowance for their children, choosing to give them various amounts in Pearls one time or on an ongoing monthly basis, which users can then spend on exclusive items or to access new activities."

I Love the concept of Whyville and the ideas behind the features are great but Personally I'm not a fan of Whyville overall, Mainly because I don't like the art and direction and the one recycle game I played was clunky and sucked. I think the site looks amateurish but they claim to have a population of 4,132,096. My guess is they are getting around 50 - 70,000 UVPM who probably spend around 30 mins on the site which is good compared to others.

However I just think that if only they gave the site and brand an overhaul it could be awesome, they could get many more customers by investing, otherwise over time the core players will grow up and they can not be sure to attract new ones as the competition grows.

RESEARCH: UK Mobile internet on the rise

Analyst firm Nielsen Online has found Mobile internet use is growing while the number of people going online via a PC is slowing.

In the UK Around 7.3m people accessed the net via mobile phones, during the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2008.

An increase of 25% in comparison PC based net audience grew just 3% to a growth of just 3% for the PC-based net audience - now more than 35m. However for me this is no surprise its part of the curve as networks and handsets have improved service add to that the i-phone launch flat rates and naturally mobile internet use will grow faster.

It also found that the mobile net audience was younger and searched for different things, Searching news, like BBC weather, Sky Sports and Google is not the most popular site the BBC news is the most visited, nearly 1/4 of mobile internet consumers using it.

This could be down to how the handsets and networks present content and the applications that are used. For instance many people now update their status on facebook using Mobile phone.

The long tail of this will be in an upsurge in cross platform gaming, especially in MMO's and may be elements of virtual worlds. Mobile gaming is already big business and the next wave will be community gaming, and I have numerous ideas running through my head involving GPS and Bluetooth....

A quarter of the mobile net audience is aged 15-24, compared to 16% for the PC.

While 23% of the desk-top based internet population is 55 or over, only 12% of mobile internet audience is.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

TECHNOLOGY : Meez Launches Hulu

I'm a fan of Meez as they have a clear direction and they are now making great decisions to expand on that direction.

Hulu-Powered allows 2M monthly users (which Sean points out are unique and he should) can get together with friends to watch the best television clips, episodes and full length movies, all while chatting away with each other and comparing avatars.

Key Points:

16 initial theaters,
popular lobby and concession areas
top shows such as The Simpsons, Fringe, Saturday Night Smackdown, and many more
Classic movies such as Bring it On, and Dude, Where's My Car?

So Meez now has more content than just games....what a great move!

The whole thing is free and supported by the fact the best places are VIP subscription. Sean also offers micro-transaction model allowing users to buy coins and pick up the best gear for their avatars. So he is offering the know the things that us humans like....take note choice works....

I intend to catch up with Sean next week and ask him as him about the things that are working and the things to avoid. Watch this space.

Funding: Playspan nets another $16.8 million

Great news for the industry as investors continue to see the potential in virtual goods, this will help Playspan expand to Europe and Aisa

PlaySpan provides publishers and developers with a platform for managing secure micro-transactions, virtual goods sales, global alternative payments, and peer-to-peer trading. Its platform is currently live in games such as K2's Global Mu Online and Gala-Net's Upshift Strike Racer.

Playspan has a subsidiary PayByCash, which offers over 70 payment solutions in more than 180 countries currently supporting over 200 games from publishers such as Gala-Net, Ntreev, Outspark, and CCP.

PlaySpan's total funding now now around $24 million. This round was led by Easton Capital Group, Menlo Ventures, Novel TMT Ventures, STIC, and other undisclosed investors.

Virtual Worlds : Music Mogul Beta Open

Wow it must be a day of getting right.....This is the second world I've seen that is doing it right. I've been very excited about this project and here is the video.

This is gonna be a hit for sure, Its a virtual world with a purpose a meaning, a story.....A game....The game is win a record deal or just have fun trying to.

These guys have got it right. Expect this VW to get millions of subscribers. After all everyone thinks they have Star quality....and Well Rodney Jerkins and co are giving you a chance to play along.

The only thing I'm not sure of yet is the technology and the accessibility of the game. But They have the theme right. The world has focus you know exactly what your getting, and with the past success of American Idol, x-factor and other shows this could be just as big.

Virtual worlds: Video Footage of Sony VW

I'm always dubious about new virtual worlds. My big question is what is it that they are going to offer that's different from the many other out there.

Well in the first few mins of the video I can see that SONY have done their homework and are approaching VW in the right way, its accessible to PS3 users, they provide Relevant content, games, simple interactions, and its beautifully presented.

So as long as Sony give players plenty of content to interact with and keep it small to start with then HOME could be a hit for them and it has great scope for developers. Imagine in the future a virtual stadium where you could play 11 a side PRO EVO with friends. But to qualify for the Virtual team you must play your way up the leagues using the purchased copy.

Offical trailer

Business : SPIL signs with Triplepoint PR

Not long after they employed Ex Google Sydney Mock SPIL Games has appointed international PR firm TriplePointto head up its branding efforts in North America and Europe.

Its campaign will focus on SPIL’s success as a high-traffic advertising platform and its engagement with what it describes as a lucrative audience. It will also look to increase the awareness of SPIL’s range of targeted gaming portals."

Clearly Spil are paving the way for growth and expansion. And now Sydney is on board I imagine we will start to see Spil using their power and position to try out other opportunities, remember google was just a search engine to start with. Sydney has been involved with several major product releases from google including maps, Igoogle and YOUTUBE. I wonder where your head is Sydney??

Monday, November 24, 2008

Business: Massive price drop for Casual Games

Gamehouse join Big Fish, and Shockwave in the great casual games discount.

It was only a matter of time before the the big players started to overhaul their download business models. I reported on this last month.

Read previous story

See Gamehouse will offer a free game a day and you can buy all games by joining the club for $5.99. The promotion is part of the redesign of the site.

FUNDING: worldsandgames get $10 million

Mark Friedler and Karim Sanjabi form worlds and games With a focus on Entertainment, games, social media and virtual worlds they bring a wealth of experience and will help companies with Marketing, Strategy, product development and form expert teams from across the industry to help improve results and reduce costs.

In one project they claim that they saved a major music producer over $2 million (may be it was music mogul I'd be interested to know)and in another project they raised $10 million series B in 40 days.

Good luck guys with your new venture.

Business : King teams up with Moochi Media

King.comhave agreed a deal with Mochi MediaMochi Media that will allow publishers on the MochiAds network to access and distribute King’s titles.

Members of the ad network will be able to search King’s catalogue and select free ad-supported titles which can be hosted on their sites – and subsequently claim a slice of the generated ad revenues.

Kings primary biz model has been skill games they held the NO1 spot in Skill gaming, providing players with community features and King were early adopters of Microtransactions.

New Games: POGO planning multiplayer Dinner Dash

Great news for casual fans and the industry, POGO runs one of the strongest community based casual gaming sites and already has some multiplayer games like Lottso Delux.

However Dinner Dash is a classic that I think would convert well to multiplayer and it really fits with co-operatition mode, this is where players have to help each other score points.

See Pogo

Another community based site that's doing well and also has multiplayer games is iaminwithlikeyou

Business: Only 4% of Video Games make a profit

According to(EEDAR)roughly 4% of video games that make it to market are actually profitable.

This does not cover the casual Genera, but highlights why so many big developers have jumped on board with Casual games, and in particular why the likes of USISOFT have been so successful in this area.

You can take more risks in casual games and the cost of development is much lower. If only the video game industry could change the way they release games? May be releasing limited levels to test the market. Almost like the try & buy model in Casual, but you pay $10 or $15 and if its successful then the developers can continue with the second phase.

New Games: Mystic Mine looks great

Having only seen the video I'm excited about the release of the game. You get the concept in seconds and the controls are simple....I think the idea is great and this could be a basis for a new genera. Will it be a hit well lets wait until we get to play.

Mystic Mine Multiplayer from Koen Witters on Vimeo.

Charts: Bejewlled twists to NO1

As predicted Bejeweled Twist is topping the charts its currently the NO1 casual game. The match 3 genera is still as popular as ever with Jewell Quest coming in 3rd

1=Bejeweled Twist

2=Alice Greenfingers 2
3=Jewel Quest Mysteries: Curse of the Emerald Tear
4=Top Chef
5=Cooking Dash
6=Diner Dash® Family Style
8=Hidden Mysteries: Buckingham Palace
9=Detective Stories: Hollywood
10=Mortimer Beckett and the Time Paradox

Business : MTV Extends Big Point Deal

MTV Networks International has announced that it is to extend its current working agreement with Hamburg-based casual games developer Bigpoint in a move that will see the studio's games playable on MTV's web portal in 11 countries.

Friday, November 21, 2008

JOBS : Outspark Get EX Habbo GM

Nice move from the FTP MMO provider

Outspark has hired Paul Thind, former General Manager, North America, Sulake, as its Chief Business Officer. No formal announcement has been made yet, but Thind's LinkedIn profile lists his work for Habbo Hotel in the past

TO outspark

Technology SALES . DSI dominates and PS3 outsells xbox again in Japan


So great news for casual gaming in Japan as the user base of DS/DSI grows even more.

And great for Nintendo as they rule in both Console and handelds....The Wii has over 6 Million units installed.

However the developers and publishers are yet to have great success with Wiiware.... I think it will only be a mater of time though with an installed base as large as they have the right casual could reach phenomenal sales.


XBOX 360 passes 7 million sold in Europe.

TECHNOLOGY NEWS. Global Broadband subscribers

Take note of the figures for your revenue models.

Global Broadband Subscribers at 400M

The number of broadband subscribers around the world has reached 400 million, according to a new report prepared for the Broadband Forum by industry analysts, Point Topic. In 1998 there were only 57,200 broadband subscribers, so it's taken some massive growth to get to this point: a 600,000% increase in the number of subscribers, in fact, with 300 percent just in the last 5 years.

That growth isn't necessarily essential to the spread of virtual worlds--especially for the Flash-based and 2D or 2.5D simpler world that are particularly popular right now.

Investments : Casual Collective gets $1MM in funding

Casual Collective, a new F2P social gaming site, gets $1 million in funding from Lightspeed Venture Partners.

They are team behind desktop defense hence the funding, the site is well presented and the design is clean. They are banking on the games acting as adverts and thus driving traffic its a good approach and one I'm a fan off, however the trick will be to make sure you give the player an experience once they hit the home site, so that will depend on if players see value in being loyal to their for the scoial and upgrade reasons. Good luck guys

Virtual Worlds News

1. Google Lively to close

Its no surprise really there are way too many virtual reality companies trying to do the same thing.

And Google failed to notice the golden rule in getting into this market?

Accessibility......and......FUN......Dont get me wrong I used lively and yes its fun however its only short lived, its similar fun to when you first poked people on facebook, so I could see what Google where trying to do but I think they have realized that right now they can not attract the mass market. There is no reason to stick around in lively which is a shame as the UI has great potential and if only there was a game to it then may be things could have developed. Lively will shut down end of the year.


Faketown was a blatant rip off and well when you have Habbo why buy a fake....

Coke should never and I say this to any brand NEVER NEVER make your own virtual world the idea sucks. You should partner with existing worlds and MMO's.....of course there are exceptions but only if it makes sense like BARBIE, Disney or Buildabear otherwise stay away...

2. WOW moves 2.8 million copies in 24 hours

I think this backs up the idea about how console games could be marketed.

3. Are Habbo building a new 3-D virtual world?

There are rumors due to job adverts, however lets see. If I was Habbo I would look to enhance the 2.5D world with areas that become 3-D. This way you don't lose any customer and transition is smooth.

4. HOW FUNNY ? Divorce over SecondLife affair
A woman is to divorce her husband after discovering he was having a virtual affair within the online game Second Life.

The couple married in July 2005, while their "Second Life" avatars Dave Barmy and Laura Skye -- younger, slimmer versions of their real-life selves -- also held an online ceremony for their virtual friends.

After a rare break from the computer, however, Taylor returned to find her 40-year-old husband in an intimate, albeit virtual, position with an online prostitute within "Second Life", which she said was the "ultimate betrayal".

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Montreal Games Summit

I just got back from the Montreal games summit and in amongst the big studios and the usual crowd I saw some great new watch this space.

Anyway I'm picking up on a Key note speech by David Braben called planning for the future.

The reason is I have discussed this topic with many people and I agree with David On the following points and have a few of my own.

1. We are NOT looking at the last generation on gaming machines
2. The whole of the future for the gaming industry is ONLINE (until bandwidth and speed is not an issue we will have retail)
3. A need to rebuild a relationship with retailers.
4. Look to change the pre-owned market or the long tail of games make dwindle, the same way piracy and sharing is killing music
5. Developers need to collaborate and be creative with production techniques.
6. Where possible developers should consider releasing games in episodes....may be that way the games that don't work can be dropped at an earlier stage saving money and the ones that do work well that's easy release the next episode and the fans will come. Imagine playing a game and getting to a certain level only to realize that episode 2 is required to carry on. However the trade off is the game cost a lot less to buy in the first place. Mix this idea with downloadable content and may be this is the future of development for some games.

Food for thought. But I think there is enough space for everyone I'm in online casual games but I for one don't think that's the only market of the boring remember variety is the spice of life.

Event : SD forum 5th December

Gaming: The New Frontier-Business of New Media III

The event takes place on the 5th December at Microsoft mountain view. There are some great speakers and topics including a focus on casual games so if you are in California or on business at the time try to get yourself to the event.

Ex Spil Group Strategist to repeat success again

Recently I posted a story detailing that Spil had now reached 100 million UVPM. Well Reinout T Brake(ex spil) has been hard at work putting the wheels in motion to repeat that story with a similar model that focuses on F2P MMO's.

MMOLIFE Headed up by CEO Simon Usiskin is a company that will provide separate websites that are positioned for the Tween, Teen and adult market. Thats great as in some cases what appeals to Tweens in terms of look and feel and content will not be suitable for Adults and vice versa.

There first website is targeted at the Teens and is called and get this its already getting some 100,000 visits per months according to web statistics companies.

Lets hope that Reinout and the team at MMOLIFE can repeat the success and we will be publisinh a story that reads MMOLIFE hits 100 million UVPM !!! watch this space.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

IMVU Launches 'Social Music Service' IMVU Music

This is exactly the kind of deals that virtual worlds need to be doing. Its a great move by the record companies, much better than them trying to do there own thing.

MVU Music offers members access to music from the major music labels EMI, Sony BMG, Warner and Universal, as well as a selection of independen music distributors such as IODA, Redeye, GetUPlayed, Tunecore, Iris, Song and artists from CDBaby. In total, IMVU Music has launched with over one million songs in its catalog.

IMVU members can also purchase DRM-free downloads of songs from the catalog, so they can listen to the songs on a wide range of devices, including iPod and MP3 players."

And they now add another revenue stream to their business model.


SPIL hits 100 million

SPIL Games has announced that it has cemented its position as the world’s second most popular casual games network, with official stats from Google Analytics showing that its monthly unique user count now reaches 100 million.

The network boasts over 50 targeted sites worldwide in a number of territories including the UK, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Russia, Turkey, North America and Brazil. Its portals are targeted towards specific segments of the casual market, and include the likes of, and"


Monday, November 10, 2008

3 Rings launch whirled

Its flash, its accessible, its great looking and its fun.

Three rings have launched a portal that offers a host of games. The format is not dissimilar from other community game portals like Boonty & Kongregate but its well presented and has a great feel about it. I see these kinds of portals as a next generation on the addicting games type of website, it has virtual world elements and flavors of MMO's. The community aspect is also very apparent, so the social element is mixed in with the game play.

And you even get to help digitize old books when you register as they use the recapture system.

play now

Varbeck leaves EA in restructure

No surprises that EA would be restructuring especially after laying off the number of staff they did. Varbeck leaves EA as the company restructures

The Sims label to be a new Sims and Casual label.

Varbeck who also headed up the portal is perusing opportunities outside of the publisher. Good luck Cathy.

Its a real shame as the casual industry really needs more women so lets hope she stays in Casual.

Telegraph launches casual games channel

The Daily Telegraph has launched a casual games channel. 2 years ago I predicted that large media companies and TV studios would end up offering a casual channel like SKY, FOX, virgin, NBC etc...I also think that telecoms companies and airlines will probably follow. Casual gaming channels will become a standard channel embedded in media offerings....However I think the telegraphs offering is well done.

The good thing about this site is its doing its own thing its not a copy but actually offers lovers of crosswords an online destination to play the favorites that they may find in the paper. They have added to that some good gaming community features. I imagine they will leverage their readers and it could grow from there.

Telegraph games

The gaming press are reporting this as a casual games channel and on reading the headline you sort of expect to find bejeweled or other casual favorites at the destination....but it does show you how broad the genera is....and based on how things are moving the question comes up is there such a thing as casual or core gamer....may be there are just gamers....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Games to outsell Music and Video

UK sales of video games and hardware will surpass spending on music and video for the first time, a report suggests. The BBC News has the story.

It predicts spending on games will rise by 42% to £4.64bn in 2008, with sales on music and video at £4.46bn.

Full Story here

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

19% of mobile consumers in U.S. now using smartphones, according to study

According to the “Mobile Market View” study released today by The Kelsey Group, 18.9% of mobile consumers in the United States are now toting smartphones, with 49.2% planning to pick one up within the next two years.

Senario launch Huri Mumi toy and virtual world

Huru Humi is a toy virtual world combo that does not require players to buy the toy. Its a great looking brand but enters a very busy space.

“Huru High is a fun, secure online world where kids can come together to play and a perfect complement to the Huru Humi toy," said Mike Nakamura, CEO of Senario. “Our first priority was to provide kids with a keep everyone safe and protect them from harmful or negative content

Huri Humi was developed by Sarbakan games studio in Quebec.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Amazon Snaps up Reflexive games

Good luck with acquisition and congratulations.

Social Gaming News

Movie Quiz for Face book
Sonic boom to release name that movie...(i love a good quiz)
Mytopia now on windows mobile. I love the fact that they are cross platform and allow you to access across social networks, now it will be down to the content being good enough
Forbes are tracking flash and social gaming revolutions. (a very good read)
Rockyou gets another 17million in funding??? The company has so far raised a total of $67 million. The company may need to rethink its biz model (adverts only is dangerous)
$6,000,000 funded launches

Casual Games news Summary

Wild Tangent to close development studio

no surprise 20 people only produced 3 games in 2 years
Flash market is almost double the size of the console business

Comscore stats 359m people played online casual games in the last month - versus the total estimated console base of 206.2m (covering the current and previous generations of hardware, stat taken from VGChartz). It will only get bigger
Pepsi Launch 3D casual marketing game...
Ubisoft says casual development allowed them to take risks (they have been outselling Nintendo in this genera)
Stardoll partners with Pink Ribbon for cancer and Makatoob to enter the Arab Market, wild tangent

The BBC to launch CBBC casual portal See it here

The BBC has launches new casual games portal on its website that is designed to hitch a ride on the casual games bandwagon and drive popularity of many of its key franchises.

The BBC will be promoting its new portal across a number of big-hitting websites including AOL, Jetix, Miniclip and Yahoo – and of course it will feature prominently on the broadcast CBBC channel and website.

Kelly Turner, head of marketing for BBC Children stated: “The whole purpose is to get kids to love, value and use more CBBC assets. We want them to have a deeper relationship with us.”

I always think that these are missed opportunities. May be a partnership with some popular kid focused worlds who would allow the BBC to embed their content could have been a great deal for all parties involved.

Gatheryn to combine casual gaming and social networking

A Victorian feel, a world where everything is powered by steam. The game promises to combine virtual world gameplay with social networking elements.

“There’s a very large and active casual gaming community out there dissatisfied with the lack of social features on many of the bigger casual gaming portals,” MindFuse chairman Matthew Le Merle stated.

“While we want to maintain uniqueness and individuality in Gatheryn, we also want to make sure there are plenty of opportunities for friends, family and fellow gamers to gather and enjoy the experience in a fully immersive 3D world.”

MindFuse CEO and lead designer of Gatheryn Joseph Walters added: “With Gatheryn we’re creating a very accessible world appropriate for gamers looking for a mature and enjoyable pastime. We’re very interested in the detailed aesthetics of the steam-powered genre, and our aim is to draw players into a romantic, vibrant world where story, community and puzzle-solving are the focus.

'Gatheryn promises an alternative to violence based games

Lets wait and see how accessible the fully immersive 3D world is and weather or not it is actually casual

Monday, November 3, 2008

Virtual Worlds News: Linden Lab Hires Big Spaceship to Improve "First Hour Experiences"

I'm Surprised its taken so long. The key to any product online is accessibility and well if you have to get through walls to get in then you lose potential customers at each stage.

Fact is Linden may struggle to get any kind of large increased uptake in their world for several reasons but for now its good to see they are trying to make it more accessible.

Virtual Worlds News: Linden Lab Hires Big Spaceship to Improve "First Hour Experiences": "Linden Lab Hires Big Spaceship to Improve 'First Hour Experiences'

Linden Lab announced today that it had hired the interactive design agency Big Spaceship 'to dramatically simplify the sign-up stage, ease users’ introduction into Second Life, and quickly connect people to relevant content and experiences in Second Life.' The challenge of bringing new users into Second Life has been observed for some time,"