Wednesday, February 18, 2009

CONSOLE GAMES : "Wanted" want it now

The movie was entertaining and the game trailer they put before the movie just made you say "cool I want to own this game". It looks incredible and for me one the most anticipated title releases for a while.

WHY? outside of looks and effects its down to how you control the characters and this game seems to be one of the first in this genera to break new boundaries in movement and interaction. The all important "do I feel in control" you need to get that feeling of being connected to the on screen character. This is something that the Matrix titles did so well and something that makes casual games so accessible and have broad audience appeal. People feel in control of the sparkling gems exploding, blocks dropping, FLOW serving food or PACMAN eating dots......its all about control and if those games took more than a mouse click then who knows if the market would even exist.

Over time many of the casual crowd will become hardcore players as well, this is down to evolution of your gaming experience, evolving control methods of games and new peripherals that allow everyone to play. Add to this the social elements of gaming chat on PC which tend to start with that common interest GAMING "console players" will no doubt influence the "casual" players to try out new experiences, and Word of mouth works its magic again.

Check out the video and see for yourself, If it plays as good as it looks this will be a big hit.

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