Friday, September 26, 2008

Consoles could make a come back in the future

Occasionally I'm going to try an pear into the future and give my 2 cents.

Many have predicted that the future of the console is doomed.

Hold it there.....the PS3 may never recover the costs but the developments made in the technology and the programming will allow for the next generation of consoles to capture a market that has never been accessible in the past at a much lower cost.

This will be the age of mass market, consoles will dominate again but in a way we have never seen.

Everyone will play from your toddler to your grandparents they will all be players.

WHY....accessibility will be the key. AND IT WILL BE CONTROLLER DRIVEN. Controllers have always restricted the potential number of players.

Players of the future will use new controllers that make game play so simple that it literally becomes child's play. Opening up the potential for anyone to play out their wildest fantasy. Almost Star Trek holo deck style.

Probably made part from Wii type tech mixed with brain sensing equipment mixed with some form of goggles that provide the visuals and sound, SO you turn your head and the visual follow that movement. A kind of hybrid VR

Then think about the possibilities of entertainment and where you could go. Now think about how the movie studios are getting involved in gaming.

Casual gaming is paving the way for players who would never have been gamers...these gamers will progress if future technologies allow them to.

I will say that it could be possible that PC's will fill this gap.....But I just think that the PS3 is in such an early stage and future titles will literally blow us away. Right now the programmers are going through that learning curve. You have to remember that the results that they got after 5-6 years of PS1 arriving.

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